The Leicestershire County Council Personal Assistant (PA) Noticeboard is a free service that lists PAs and adverts for adults looking for a PA to meet their care and support needs

For PAs looking for a job
If you are a PA, or would like to become one, have a look at the range of jobs that are available
Search for a jobFor people looking for a PA
If you have care and support needs, have a look at our PA listed to find the right PA for you
Search for a PA
What I need to do to become a PA
Links and advice with the information that you need to become a PA in adult social care
Find out more about becoming a PA
Karen's lived experience
How PAs can bring independence and companionship for Leicestershire residents
Find out more about Karen's journey
Employing or hiring a PA
Links and advice with the information that you need to employ or hire a PA in adult social care
Find out more about employing a PA